October is all about color this week as the region hits about 30-50%
tree foliage change, due to the chilly nights and many bright, sunny days. This
is almost perfect for leaf peepers, as The Department of Conservation
and Natural Resources for Pennsylvania is predicting Peak Week to enter a
week sooner than last year in the Laurel Highlands, from October 7 –
12, 2014. Pennsylvania’s location supports 134 species of trees and many
more shrubs and vines that contribute to the display of autumn color.
Almost half of those species have changed already and are creating a
spectacular view at Nemacolin. Have you seen the gorgeous changes around
the resort?
Ash, birch, poplar and walnut are varying shades of brilliant yellow and gold; virginia creeper, sumac, dogwood and blackgum are glowing in scarlet, maroon and brick red; while sassafras is clocking in with the brightest colors in hot orange and yellow. The higher elevation of the Laurel Highlands cause color change to happen a bit sooner than the surrounding counties in Southwestern Pennsylvania, so if you look out your window and the trees are not as bright, it’s time to take a trip down our way and get a full taste of the bright and beautiful colors Nemacolin is showcasing.
The best time to experience fall foliage is by getting outside as often as you can, as even a day or two can spark new color in each tree. Check in next week, as Peak Week reveals itself for leaf peepers in the Laurel Highlands! And don’t forget to sit back, relax and enjoy the view…